"더 나은 삶을 위한 디지털 전환"

지식교류의 날(Knowledge Exchange Days, KED)은 국내외 공공 및 민간부문 모두가 함께 참여하는 지식교류 플랫폼입니다.
경제·사회발전을 위한 글로벌 의제를 논의하고, 국제사회 주요 참여자간의 의미 있는 대화와 협력을 촉진하고자 합니다.

2024.10.31(목) ~ 11.01(금)
글로벌지식협력단지 (서울시 동대문구 회기로 47)

최첨단 디지털 기술이
더 나은 삶을 위해
새로운 혁신을 이끌고
성과를 창출하는지를 조명

교육 프로그램

데이터 리터러시
숏폼 크리에이터


디지털 트윈,
문제해결의 새로운 지평

디지털 트윈의 발전과정,
기술적용사례 등을 전시

KED Night

민태기, 아뽀키, 이상헌

백아연, 김늑, 설밴드

KED 뉴스레터

시간 세션


  • 09:00-09:20

    Opening Ceremony
    김범석기획재정부 제1차관
    조동철KDI 원장
    장 원차이세계은행그룹(WBG) 수석부총재
  • 09:20-09:40

    Keynote Session 1
    한국 경제의 디지털화와 향후 과제다운로드
    진대제前 정보통신부 장관
  • 09:40-10:00

    Keynote Session 2
    새로운 시대를 위한 디지털 전환다운로드
    에이미 도허티세계은행그룹(WBG) 정보&기술솔루션 부총재 및 CIO
  • 10:20-11:30

    Session 1
    혁신을 통한 도약의 빛

    (좌장) 차상균서울대학교 데이터사이언스대학원 초대대학원장 / Freedom of Innovation Venture 설립자

    현대차/기아 스마트팩토리 ‘E-FOREST’다운로드
    조현철 현대자동차 E-FOREST 전략실 상무
    AI와 로봇으로 진화하는 스마트 물류 신기술다운로드
    김현아 CJ대한통운 TES물류기술연구소 TES기획 담당
    디지털 혁신으로 열어가는 새로운 미래다운로드
    장완익 네이버 부장
    여행 산업에서의 디지털 전환 선도다운로드
    임세원 야놀자클라우드 전략실장


  • 13:20-14:30

    Session 2
    세상을 밝히는 변화의 빛

    (좌장) 문명재연세대학교 언더우드 특훈교수

    철강 제조기업 포스코의 AI를 활용한 업무혁신다운로드
    심민석포스코 디지털혁신실 실장
    K-water 디지털 트윈 기술을 활용한 물재해 대응 능력 강화다운로드
    권문혁K-water 수자원환경부문 수자원운영처 디지털물관리부장
    AI를 통한 맞춤형 보건의료의 실현다운로드
    박상준메디컬아이피 대표
    복지 사각지대 대응을 위한 디지털기술의 활용다운로드
    이우식한국사회보장정보원 사회보장정보연구소 연구센터 부연구위원
  • 14:50-15:50

    Session 3
    디지털 활용 사례 및 과제

    (좌장) 제이슨 알포드세계은행(WB) 한국사무소 소장

    (UNIDO) 신맹호다운로드
    유엔산업개발기구 한국투자진흥사무소(UNIDO ITPO) 대표
    (AfDB) 나마우 알로로 알하산다운로드
    아프리카개발은행(AfDB) 아프리카개발연구소 지식 관리 및 정보 서비스 매니저
    쉴라 자가나단다운로드
    AfDB 역량강화 선임고문
    (ADB) 박동현다운로드
    아시아개발은행(ADB) 경제연구 및 개발임팩트부서 경제 상임고문
  • 16:00-16:50

    Round Table
    지속가능하고 포용적인 디지털 전환: 미래를 밝히다.

    (좌장) 강동수KDI 글로벌지식협력단지운영단 단장

    (AfDB) 에릭 K. 오군레이
    아프리카개발은행(AfDB) 아프리카개발연구소 소장
    (WB) 자키 코리
    세계은행(WB) 디지털개발부 선임전문관
    (IDB) 에밀로 피네다
    미주개발은행(IDB) 개발 부문 매니저
    (기획재정부) 신재식
    기획재정부 정책조정국 정책조정기획관
  • 17:00-18:00

    스탠딩 리셉션
    네트워크의 밤

13:00 ~ 16:30

교육 프로그램 1

데이터 리터러시

10:10 ~ 16:00

교육 프로그램 2

‘숏폼’ 크리에이터

시간 세션


  • 스케줄 없음


  • 14:20-15:30

    KED Talk
    디지털 전환 시대의 인적자원 전략

    (좌장) 이찬서울대학교 첨단융합학부 & 산업인력개발학과 교수

    디지털 전환 시대에서 AI가 학습, 업무 및 혁신을 재정의하는 방법다운로드
    쉴라 자가나단AI 교육분야 국제고문 및 前 세계은행 OLC 총괄
    삼성이 주도하고 정부가 함께하는 상생형 SW 교육 프로그램, SSAFY다운로드
    안성하 삼성 청년 SW 아카데미(삼성전자) 프로
    미래를 준비하는 mySUNI (SK)의 인재양성 및 커리어 개발 전략다운로드
    장활훈 SK 그룹 mySUNI LX&Tech 리처치 펠로우
  • 15:40-17:00

    Start-up Stage
    창의성과 혁신으로 미래를 개척하다: AI Startup

    (좌장) 박동현아시아개발은행(ADB) 경제연구 및 개발임팩트부서 경제 상임고문

    AI와 기후기술: 더 친환경적이고 지속 가능한 미래를 개척하다다운로드
    자키 코리 세계은행(WB) 디지털개발부 선임전문관
    데이터로 발전하는 회사다운로드
    박라연 그리드위즈 전략기획 이사
    AI 시대를 여는 혁신적인 에너지 데이터 분석 플랫폼다운로드
    이호준 한국그린데이터 CEO
    AI 기반 기후정보조기경보시스템다운로드
    김진주 ㈜에스아이에이 국제협력 매니저
    지속 가능한 물, 환경 및 에너지를 위한 스마트 워터 솔루션다운로드
    배도협 에코피스 소프트웨어 개발팀 대리
  • 17:20-20:20

    KED 문화의 밤

    * 푸드트럭 16:00 ~ 20:00

    1부 토크콘서트다운로드
    민태기 에스엔에이치 연구소장 아뽀키 버추얼 아티스트 이상헌 메타로켓 대표
    2부 뮤직콘서트
    백아연, 김늑, 설밴드

10:30 ~ 16:30

교육 프로그램 1

데이터 리터러시

14:00 ~ 16:00

교육 프로그램 2

‘숏폼’ 크리에이터

  • 컨퍼런스 교육프로그램 기획전시
  • 문의처

    E-mail 2024ked@gmail.com

    Tel +82) 70. 4270. 6998

  • 주최 | 주관
    기획재정부 KDI 글로벌지식협력단지
참가 신청

KED 뉴스레터

뉴스레터 이미지 뉴스레터 이미지
Vol 1. Illuminating Innovative Avenues

AI Image from Canva Magic Media

Welcome to a world where digital breakthroughs are reshaping how we work, connect, and thrive.

From smart factories and streamlined logistics to platform-driven travel industries, technology is becoming the beating heart of modern progress.

Now, let’s pull back the curtain on cutting-edge trends driving productivity, efficiency, and well-being. Through inspiring stories from the private sector, we can uncover how businesses are innovating at every turn—building smarter solutions and redefining possibilities for the future.

Smart Factories

Smart factories use technologies like AI, IoT, and big data to automate and optimize manufacturing, enhancing productivity, safety, and flexibility. Korea has built over 30,144 smart factories since 2014, and the market is expected to grow by 11.4% annually, reaching $15.28 billion in 2024.

Korea has built over 30,144 smart factories since 2014, and the market is expected to grow by 11.4% annually, reaching $15.28 billion in 2024.
For Hyundai and Kia’s smart factories, 'E-FOREST' initiative exemplifies innovation, using AI and robotics to produce vehicles and future mobility solutions. At the Hyundai Motor Group Global Innovation Center in Singapore, customers can interact with production, enhancing factory experiences with personalized orders and test drives.

Smart Logistics

Smart logistics can take multiple forms. One could be using AI with sensors like GPS to optimize delivery routes.

Another could be using IoT to connect robots in warehouses to automate operations. Using smart logistics can reduce costs in the supply chain and delivery times, creating more customer value. CJ Logistics is an exemplary case of using robotics and AI in this sector. One of CJ Logistics’ main services is warehouse-to-customer delivery. The company runs smart fulfillment one-stop facilities using robots like the AGV (Automated Guided Vehicles) to automate the order processing procedure.


A digital platform is an online business model that connects groups, offering scalability, accessibility, and task automation to reduce costs and improve efficiency.

Naver, a top Korean tech company, runs ‘Naver Cloud,’ powered by AI technology called Hyper CLOVA X, helping businesses create secure, flexible cloud environments. It provides industry-specific services, meeting government and regulatory standards for sectors like finance, healthcare, and public services. By streamlining operations and ensuring compliance, Naver Cloud supports businesses in handling sensitive data while unlocking new opportunities with advanced technologies.

Travel Industry

Travel industries have increasingly adopted digital technologies.

Digitized hotel check-in and checkout services can address staffing problems. Travel agencies can automate their routine tasks. Data analysis can provide customized travel recommendations for users. Yanolja is one of the companies that are leading the travel industry’s digital transformation.
Yanolja mainly provides travel and accommodation services through its application. Recently, Yanolja expanded into software by creating a subsidiary: Yanolja Cloud Solution. This allows accommodation establishments to operate efficiently through connecting transactions across platforms and analyzing customers through data.

Smart factories, smart logistics, platform, and travel industries are one part of the various ways digital transformation is impacting the world. In the 2024 KED session, these sectors will be addressed in depth by private companies Hyundai, CJ Logistics, yanolja, and Naver.

2024 KED will go into depth about the topics above as well as others,
and hopes to illuminate innovative avenues.

Written by GKEDers
(Min Jung Kang, Kyeyoung Lee)

뉴스레터 이미지 뉴스레터 이미지

KED 뉴스레터

뉴스레터 이미지 뉴스레터 이미지
Vol 2. Casting Light for Change

AI Image from ChatGPT

Don’t miss the second session of KED, "Casting Light for Change," where we delve into the transformative impact of digital technologies on economic and social advancements.

Learn how the synergy of cutting-edge innovations is driving remarkable progress across various industries. Digital transformation promotes sustainable development and improves the quality of life for all.

This session will highlight how digital transition addresses the impacts of development in four segments: industrial innovation, disaster response, healthcare services, and welfare systems.

Join us to be part of this enlightening conference!

Industrial Innovation

Industries are rapidly adopting advanced digital technologies to enhance productivity and efficiency. Digital transformation, involving automation, data analytics, IoT, and AI, has significantly changed the business landscape, enhancing competitiveness.

AI-driven business innovation of POSCO

POSCO, a leading Korean steel manufacturer, exemplifies a successful digital transformation. Over three years, POSCO reduced production costs by 252 billion won, setting benchmarks for sustainable, intelligent manufacturing. Its smart factories utilize real-time data through IoT, analyzed with big data and controlled by AI. By gradually automating processes, POSCO demonstrates a clear path for industries to evolve into smart, AI-driven businesses.

Disaster Response

As climate change accelerates, the need for facilities with stronger resilience and improved disaster prevention has become more urgent than ever. A key aspect of this is implementing more systematic disaster countermeasures, driven by the digital transformation of resource management.

K-water’s smart water management

One example of this digital transformation is South Korea’s water management system. To address high flow fluctuations, Korea has integrated technologies such as real-time monitoring, big data analytics, and AI-powered water treatment plants to predict and mitigate risks. K-water has developed and exported a 3-step digital twin water management platform consisting of mirroring, monitoring, and simulation.

Healthcare Services

Personalization of services, especially healthcare with AI, is one significant trait of digital transition. Technological innovation has enabled better data acquisition and analysis allowed AI algorithms to predict issues and personalize treatment strategies, while AI-powered applications enable remote monitoring and telemedicine for more accessible medical care.

Technology innovation of MEDICAL IP

MEDICAL IP, a healthcare technology company in Korea, is one of the leading corporations in digital transformation through medical imaging analysis technology based on AI and 3D technologies. Envisioning a future vision for patient-oriented health care, MEDICAL IP is focused on reducing the medical workload and costs to provide both curative and preventive health solutions.

Welfare Systems

In pursuit of a welfare state, many nations aim to make services more accessible and efficient. To address blind spots and implement effective welfare policies tailored to individual needs, digital transformation has been integrated into services such as online portals, telehealth, and personalized, integrated policy systems.

Welfare Blind Spot Digital Solution by SSiS

The Korea Social Security Information Service (SSiS) is addressing these challenges through its Haengbok-e-eum system, which aggregates data from 26 agencies to deliver 35 trillion KRW in welfare benefits (as of 2020). AI-driven screening optimizes support distribution, prevents fraud, and monitors indicators to identify families in need of timely intervention.

At 2024 KED, participants share invaluable insights on digital transformation and global innovation.

Join us to connect, learn, and contribute to a future where technology fosters collaboration and progress for all.

Written by GKEDers
(Chae hoon Oh, Juen Park)

뉴스레터 이미지 뉴스레터 이미지

KED 뉴스레터

뉴스레터 이미지 뉴스레터 이미지
Vol 3. Special Exhibition – Digital Twin

AI Image from Encyclopædia Britannica

Discover the future of innovation at our upcoming exhibition on digital twin technology!

Throughout history, humanity has faced complex challenges, often resorting to trial and error. But now, we have a powerful solution: digital twin technology. This groundbreaking approach allows us to simulate scenarios, anticipate challenges, and redefine the way we solve problems.

Through interactive displays and real-world case studies, this exhibition will showcase the transformative potential of digital twin technology.

Don’t miss this opportunity to explore new horizons in innovation and see how digital twins can shape a better tomorrow!

*Digital Twin Special Exhibition will be open until September 30, 2025*

Key Technologies Driving Digital Twin Innovation

Digital twin technology is powered by several key underlying technologies.

Big Data enables the collection and analysis of vast amounts of information, providing a foundation for accurate simulations. Virtualization creates digital counterparts of physical assets, allowing real-time monitoring and testing. Artificial Intelligence enhances the predictive capabilities of digital twins by processing data efficiently and making informed decisions. Finally, visualization tools present complex data in an understandable and interactive format, allowing users to gain valuable insights and improve decision-making.

Together, these technologies unlock new possibilities for problem-solving and innovation across various industries.

NASA’s Use of Digital Twin Technology

NASA has been at the forefront of utilizing Digital Twin technology to ensure the success of its space missions. By creating virtual replicas of spacecraft, NASA simulates various conditions and scenarios, allowing it to predict potential failures and mitigate risks before they occur. This proactive approach has significantly improved mission safety, reduced costs, and enhanced overall system performance. Through these simulations, NASA can monitor the health of spacecraft in real-time, ensuring mission-critical systems operate optimally. This demonstrates how Digital Twin technology plays a vital role in transforming complex industries like space exploration.

Exploring Domestic Companies at the KED Event

While NASA showcases the global capabilities of Digital Twin technology, leading Korean companies are also applying it across various industries. From Hyundai Motors to Naver, CJ Logistics, K-water, Medical IP, LX and more, domestic firms are integrating Digital Twins to optimize operations, reduce risks, and improve efficiency.

Attendees of the KED event will have the opportunity to explore these advancements firsthand through corporate exhibitions. This exclusive chance to engage directly with these companies offers a deeper understanding of how Digital Twin technology is revolutionizing industries in Korea and shaping the future of innovation.

Weighing the Costs and Benefits of Digital Twin Technology

However, Digital Twin technology is not without challenges. High implementation costs, technical complexity, and data security concerns can limit accessibility, particularly for smaller enterprises or developing nations. Additionally, the technology’s effectiveness relies heavily on the accuracy of real-time data; poor data inputs can lead to inaccurate predictions.

Despite these drawbacks, the future outlook for Digital Twins is promising. As AI and IoT integration continues to advance, Digital Twins will become even more dynamic and precise, with applications expanding in areas such as smart cities, personalized healthcare, and sustainable energy management. Addressing cost barriers and data security issues will be crucial for broader adoption, but the potential of Digital Twins to revolutionize industries and improve problem-solving on a global scale remains undeniable.

Through the 2024 KED, attendees will have the chance to explore various topics in-depth, including the cutting-edge innovations driven by Digital Twin technology.

Whether you're looking to discover the latest trends or gain practical knowledge, the KED event is the perfect platform to immerse yourself in the future of problem-solving technology.

Written by GKEDers
(Myeong Jae Yeo, Jooeun Park)

뉴스레터 이미지 뉴스레터 이미지

KED 뉴스레터

뉴스레터 이미지 뉴스레터 이미지
Vol 4. Knowledge Forum

AI Image from Canva

Join us for an enlightening session on the transformative power of AI and technological innovations in today’s era of digital transformation!

This session will delve into the critical need for organizational adaptation, with a strong focus on developing human resources to navigate this evolving landscape.

Discover how climate tech is emerging as a key trend, utilizing cutting-edge tools to tackle urgent environmental challenges.

Be part of the conversation shaping the future of startup!

Human Resource Development in the Era of Digital Transformation

Digital transformation has fundamentally transformed human resource management, leading firms to reconsider their approach to talent acquisition, development, and retention. As businesses increasingly depend on digital tools, HR departments must not only incorporate new technologies but also nurture a culture of digital adaptability. By implementing approaches like hiring based on skills and models of continuous learning, HR has shifted from an administrative function to a strategic partner capable of meeting the workforce’s evolving needs.

KED Talk will feature presentations from the AfDB and two major companies, demonstrating the effectiveness of digital HR strategies.
The African Development Bank (AfDB) acknowledges the significance of AI in redefining learning, work, and innovation in the new digital era, emphasizing the potential of AI in reshaping workforce dynamics.
Samsung's Software Academy for Youth (SSAFY) delivers high-quality software education to unemployed youth, nurturing South Korea's IT ecosystem while meeting the demand for skilled digital talent. SK Group's mySUNI, launched in 2020, promotes continuous learning and innovation among employees through a skill-based career platform.

Sharing the Future with Creativity and Innovation: AI Startups

Another topic at the knowledge forum is “Climate Tech,” which includes innovative solutions using advanced technology to tackle climate change. As the threat of climate change grows, key actors are contributing to sustainability efforts. This session will highlight some exemplary models, focusing on AI-based innovations.

The session will feature presentations from the World Bank and four startup companies, discussing their operations and challenges in climate tech:
The World Bank will start with an overview of AI and climate technologies, emphasizing their role in promoting eco-friendly and sustainable solutions.
GridWiz places emphasis on data-driven clean energy, using data to generate value by analyzing patterns and correlations in energy usage.
Korean GreenData introduces an AI platform that helps manage energy consumption, emphasizing four key areas: customized tools, detailed analysis, hardware-free operation, and automation. It will offer insights on running an AI-powered base system.
SIA founded WeatherO, an innovative satellite imaging program that monitors the Earth during climate events. SIA will discuss how this technology addresses global challenges, along with examples of international cooperation.
Ecopeace showcases a compact robotic system for purifying freshwater, combining AI and robotics to enhance water management. They will discuss their vision and the technical challenges in addressing water pollution.

The Knowledge Exchange Days (KED) provides an agora where participants can exchange ideas and collaborate.

Attendees can look forward to more specific content throughout the event, including insightful talks from field experts, engaging forum and networking opportunities.

Written by GKEDers
(Yu Kwangho, Do Thi Bich Huyen)

뉴스레터 이미지 뉴스레터 이미지

KED 뉴스레터

뉴스레터 이미지 뉴스레터 이미지
KED Night

AI Image from Envatolabs

Get ready for an unforgettable evening at the 2024 KED Night!

The night kicks off with a captivating Talk Concert, where esteemed experts will discuss the impact of digital transformation across various industries. Following this, enjoy an exhilarating Music Concert featuring live performances from talented musical artists. To enhance the festive atmosphere, food trucks will be on-site, offering a variety of delicious treats for everyone to enjoy.

Join us for a night of inspiration, creativity, and fun!

Talk Concert

Taegee Min, Director of R&D Center, S&H Co.Ltd <Machines, Humans, Intelligence – The Future of Manufacturing in the AI Era>

Dr. Taegee Min is a renowned expert in mechanical and aerospace engineering, with an impressive career in both academia and industry. He earned his Ph.D. from Seoul National University, conducted advanced research at UCLA, and served as a Senior Researcher at Samsung Electronics.
As the Director of the R&D Center at S&H Co. Ltd., Dr. Min leads innovation in AI-driven manufacturing systems and plays a key role in developing the engine for Korea’s Nuri rocket. His academic achievements, including multiple Highly Cited Papers (HCP) awards, have made him a prominent figure in both the scientific community and the media, with appearances on programs like KNN’s 최강1교시 and JTBC’s 차이나는클라스. He is also an acclaimed author, with his books 판타레이 (2022 Science Book of the Year) and 조선이 만난 아인슈타인 (2023 Science Book of the Year) receiving critical praise.
Dr. Min’s upcoming talk at KED Night will provide groundbreaking insights into the intersection of machines, human intelligence, and the future of manufacturing in the AI era.

APOKI, Virtual Artist

As Korea’s first virtual artist, APOKI is at the forefront of the digital entertainment revolution. She embodies the fusion of cutting-edge technology and cultural innovation, showcasing how Korea’s advancements in digital transformation are reshaping the global entertainment landscape. Multilingual and musically talented, APOKI will give attendees a firsthand look at the future of entertainment, blending digital technology with captivating performances. By experiencing APOKI’s virtual presence, attendees will gain fresh inspiration and witness a real-world example of how Korean technology continues to lead in the global entertainment industry.

Sangheon Lee, CEO & Founder, MetaLocat <Digital Convergence in K-POP: Virtual Idols>

Sangheon Lee, a visionary in the digital entertainment industry, holds a B.S. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Seoul National University, specializing in signal processing. After a successful career as a broadcasting engineer and director at MBC, where he worked on hit shows like 쇼음악중심 (Music Core) and 복면가왕 (King of Mask Singer), he transitioned to the world of virtual entertainment. As CEO of MetaLocat, he leads pioneering projects in virtual idol productions, including 소녀리버스 (Girl Reverse) and 아바타싱어 (Avatar Singer). His expertise in VR, VFX, and digital concerts is driving the future of K-POP and entertainment, blending cutting-edge technology with music and culture.

Music Concert

Baek A Yeon (백아연)

Baek A Yeon, a singer-songwriter renowned for her emotional ballads, rose to fame with hits like “이럴거면 그러지말지 (Shouldn’t Have…)” and “쏘쏘 (So-so).” Known for her delicate vocals and heartfelt lyrics, she has won accolades such as Best Vocal Performance at the 2015 Mnet Asian Music Awards and a Digital Bonsang at the 2016 Golden Disc Awards.

Kim Neukk (김늑)

Kim Neukk is an indie artist with a soulful, husky voice. His popular tracks “Strawberry” and “My Love!” reflect his signature introspective style. He has been recognized with a nomination for the Best Folk Song at the 2021 Korean Music Awards and won Indie Artist of the Year at the 2022 Melon Indie Awards.

Seol Band(설밴드)

Seol Band is a rising indie rock group known for their energetic performances. Their hits “Humming For Sunset” and “Fall” showcase their dynamic sound. They have earned Best Rock Album at the 2023 Korean Independent Music Awards and the Rising Artist Award at the 2023 Busan Rock Festival.

At the 2024 KED Night, immerse yourself in a vibrant exchange of innovative ideas about digital transformation. Explore how cutting-edge technology is reshaping our world while enjoying a unique blend of inspiring talks and electrifying performances.

Don’t miss this opportunity to connect, collaborate, and discover new perspectives on the future of digital culture!

Written by GKEDers
(Myeong Jae Yeo)

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